
Monday 30 May 2011

Toffee Ice Cream GF SCD

Toffee ice cream in a sundae dish

I think one of the most difficult things about making ice-cream is remembering to put the bowl in the freezer the night before. Frozen yogurt can be just as delicious as regular ice cream and makes a lovely treat for followers of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

The toffee in this recipe is soft and chewy yet fudge-like with a sweet buttery taste and blends perfectly with the creamy, velvety vanilla ice cream.

Toffee Ice Cream GF SCD

Yogurt Cream

600ml organic double cream
300ml organic whole milk 

Organic milk and cream

Make the Yogurt Cream 2 days ahead following my instructions for making SCD yogurt but using the quantities above of organic double cream and organic whole milk instead of just milk.

SCD Legal Toffee

120ml mild honey 
25g butter
60ml SCD yogurt 
tiny pinch salt
1 tsp vanilla extract

Line a small tin (about 14cm x 7cm) with baking parchment. 

Line a small tin with baking parchment

Pour the honey and yogurt into a small saucepan and add a tiny pinch of salt.

Pour the honey and yogurt into a small saucepan and add salt

Heat on a low light until the yogurt and honey are combined, stirring regularly.

Heat on a low light until the yogurt and honey are combined, stirring regularly.

Increase the heat up to medium and bring the mixture to the boil without stirring. Turn the heat to low and put a sugar thermometer into the pan.

Boil the mixture using a sugar thermometer in the pan.

Slowly heat the mixture to a soft ball (235ºF/112ºC), stirring frequently until the mixture reaches the soft ball temperature. This process takes about 30 minutes. If you don't have a thermometer, test for the soft ball stage by taking a little of the toffee and dropping it into a saucer of ice cold water. It is ready when it easily forms a ball in the water and flattens when out of the water.

Sugar thermometer reaches soft ball or 235 degrees

Take the pan off the heat and add the butter and vanilla extract. Leave for about 10 to 15 minutes for the mixture to cool down. Then beat with a wooden spoon until it becomes thicker and starts to lose its gloss.

Beat the toffee mixture with a wooden spoon

Pour into the lined tin and allow to cool. Place in fridge until ready to use.

Pour toffee mixture into the lined tin and allow to cool

Vanilla Ice Cream

600ml SCD Yogurt Cream
60-80ml mild honey
1 generous tablsp vanilla extract

Pour the yogurt into a bowl preferably with a pouring spout. Measure in the vanilla extract and the honey and since this toffee ice-cream recipe is quite sweet I'd recommend starting with 60ml of honey and tasting the mixture.

Yogurt, honey and vanilla extract in a bowl

Whisk together using a hand or an electric whisk until the ingredients are combined.

Whisk all ice cream ingredients together

Pour the yogurt into the ice-cream maker and freeze according to your manufacturers instructions.

Pour the yogurt into the ice-cream maker

Take the toffee out of the fridge and divide it into small pieces. It has a chewy caramel texture and is very sticky.

Take the toffee out of the fridge and divide it into small pieces

Pour a quarter of the frozen yogurt into a clean container and spread over a third of the toffee pieces.

Repeat the process until there are four layers of frozen yogurt and three layers of toffee pieces.

Toffee Ice Cream in a container

Freeze for 4 hours or until solid. If you are feeling indulgent there is a wonderful recipe for caramel sauce on Mrs Ed's Research and Recipes that might be lovely poured over the top of the ice-cream once it has cooled.

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