
Thursday 2 June 2011

Paprika Roasted Celeriac and Carrots GF SCD

Paprika Roasted Celeriac and Carrots

Celeriac is certainly an acquired taste but, because it contains very little starch, it is an ideal alternative to potatoes for people following the SCD. If you don't like celery you may like celeriac, if it is cooked properly. It's a bit of an ugly beast, beige/brown colour and quite knobbly but peeling it reveals a lovely white flesh. If you have never cooked celeriac before, here are a few tips:
  • Look for smooth, easy to peel roots with no splits.
  • Choose medium sized roots since the larger ones can be quite woody.
  • It can contain air pockets so choose roots which are heavy for their size.
  • Peel it and slice it just before cooking since it turns brown quickly.
  • To avoid it going brown, immerse in water and add a little splash of lemon juice or vinegar.
  • If cooking in water, add it straight away to boiling water rather than cold, this apparently reduces the bitterness. 

Paprika Roasted Celeriac and Carrots GF SCD

1 celeriac
1lb carrots (or more)
freshly ground salt and pepper
extra virgin olive oil

  • Set the oven to 200° C. Wash the celeriac then slice off the top and bottom so it sits easily on the board. Cut away the skin working from top to bottom and discard any brown parts or interwoven roots at the base.
  • Cut the peeled celeriac into chunky slices.
  • Parboil for about 10 minutes. Peel the carrots and slice into chunks then parboil in another pan for about 10 minutes.
  • Drain the vegetables well and pat with some kitchen towel. Pour a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil into one of the pans used for boiling the vegetables, tip the drained vegetables back in and toss them about until coated. Sprinkle generously with paprika, salt and pepper then tip into a roasting pan. 
  • Roast until cooked, about 40 - 50 minutes.

Paprika Roasted Celeriac and Carrots