
Tuesday 19 March 2013

PERK!ER Porridge Review & Lemon, Apple, Raisin & Cinnamon Oaty Biscuits GF

A couple of weeks ago I was over the moon to receive this parcel containing two boxes of the recently launched gluten-free Perkier PorridgeThe extremely eye-catching brightly coloured boxes are so much fun and will most definitely stand out on the shelves!
The Perkier Mission is to "make gloriously gluten free food so delicious that everyone will enjoy it". I love this statement because to make gluten free products that everyone can enjoy, gluten free or not, is a challenge, I think. I haven't come across many producers of gluten free food and snacks who have successfully fulfilled this aim but those of you who know me are well aware that I tend to cook from scratch and I expect high standards!

The box designs are fantastic. Without looking cluttered, the front, back and sides are packed full of interesting information you may need to know about the product and the company as well as top tips and recipe ideas.

I tend to like my porridge plain so these taste experiences were quite adventurous for me and because I sometimes can't tolerate gluten-free oats, I was interested to see how this product would affect me. Before I go on, I'm happy to say that I was absolutely fine.

Perkier Apple, Cinnamon & Raisin Porridge

Apple, Cinnamon & Raisin Porridge from Perkier Foods

Inside the bright green box of Perkier Apple, Cinnamon & Raisin Porridge there is no added sugar, no artificial colours or flavours and no GM ingredients. The aroma of cinnamon jumps out at you when you open the packaging and there is a good proportion of fruit to oats. The instructions on the side of the box are for preparing the porridge in a microwave but since I no longer own one, I made it the traditional way, on top of the stove. It took 6 minutes to cook as opposed to the 2½ minutes it takes in the microwave.

I made this porridge with almond milk as well as organic semi-skimmed milk using the recommended quantities above but then added a little more milk because I don't like my porridge too thick. 

I was quite blown away by this product. It is creamy, aromatic and luxurious with the distinct flavours of spicy apple pie in every mouthful. The apple pieces are soft and naturally sweet and the raisins add a lovely chewy texture. Perfectly sweet enough for me, I savoured every mouthful! Yes, I can happily recommend this wonderful breakfast!

Perkier Gingerbread & Raisin Porridge

Can you see the bits of gingerbread? Having tasted this porridge, there is no doubt that these will be fished out long before the box is empty! Free from artificial colours, flavours or preservatives this flavour is quite unique. I've never tried gingerbread porridge before so I was very interested to see what it tasted like. I prepared it on the hob as I did with the Apple, Raisin & Cinnamon Porridge using almond milk instead of dairy and, as before, it took about six minutes to prepare.

Displaying a very noticeable golden tint, I expected the porridge to taste extremely gingery but it didn't, that is not until I ate one of the intensely flavoured gingerbread pieces! These are like small nuggets of gold just waiting to be discovered amongst the sweet raisins and creamy porridge oats, so delicious!

The complete range of Perkier Porridges also includes Fruity Berry and Apple, Cinnamon & Raisin Oat Free flavours as well as porridge pots - just add hot water and they're ready in 2 minutes. If you would like more information about where you can purchase the range, please visit the Perkier Foods website.
In the UK the selection of gluten-free breakfast cereals is pretty grim! Though recently launched, if these two products make it on to all of the major supermarket shelves then I expect they will become very popular. The boxes are incredibly well designed, modern and inviting and their colour is attractive to all ages. But most of all, the porridge inside these boxes tastes wonderful! I made these cookies below using the porridge, they are delicious!

Lemon, Apple, Raisin & Cinnamon Oaty Biscuits GF 

100 g almond flour
50 g Perkier Apple, Cinnamon & Raisin Porridge (or alternative see note below)
40 ml extra virgin olive oil
60 ml honey or other liquid sweetener
grated rind 1 lemon
1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
⅛ tsp bicarbonate of soda
⅛ tsp ground sea salt

  • Set the oven to 170°C. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper or baking parchment.
  • Measure out the ground almonds and Apple, Cinnamon & Raisin Perkier Porridge into a bowl. Add the bicarbonate of soda and salt then whisk well with a fork
  • Measure out the honey (or other liquid sweetener), extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice into another bowl and mix well with a fork or whisk - I use acacia honey for its mild flavour.
  • Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix together well.
  • Roll the mixture into 9 balls and place spaced well apart on the baking tray lined with parchment. Flatten out a little with a fork.
  • Bake in the bottom half of the oven for 15 to 20 minutes until golden.
  • Cool on the tray for ten minutes then transfer to a rack to finish cooling.