
Saturday 13 July 2013

Trust Your Intuition

“I’ve always been a huge believer in the power of personal stories in setting others on the path to wellness. The 25 “Natural Medicine Confessions” shared in Trust Your Intuition are all very different, yet very similar. These women have used what they have learned to heal themselves and their family members. The results of their “mama bear” instincts coming out are simply amazing and inspiring........"
~Shirley Braden, author at

Thank you Shirley for writing this wonderful review which is published in the chapter "What People Are Saying in Praise of Trust Your Intuition".

I am incredibly excited and feel so honoured to have been asked to be a contributor to the newly published book, Trust Your Intuition 25 “Natural Medicine Confessions” from Influential Women Who Use Healing Remedies For Their Families, to be launched next week on Wednesday July 17, 2013. There are 24 other women besides me who have contributed and shared a story of why we chose to use natural medicine for a health issue or challenge in our homes.

My chapter describes our son's battle with Crohn's Disease and how the discovery of The Specific Carbohydrate Diet gave us the opportunity to "cure" him and hence avoid the medication which I feel may have destroyed him. I am amazed at the power of the other stories in the book and would love to introduce you to a few of the other contributors.

The Author, Jenni Wilson of Natural Medicine Mom, is a master herbalist, wife of an ER doctor and mother to 7 children. She teaches women (and a few brave dads) how to use natural tools, and especially essential oils, to care for their families and enjoy more confidence, control and effectiveness in their home health care. She is an author, speaker and blogger at

Paula Miller has been married 16 years to her beloved husband and is a homeschooling mother to their five children. Several years of family health problems centred around a stillbirth, Lyme’s Disease, and food allergies created a passion to learn about nourishing foods, Candida, fitness, and healthy alternatives to modern medicine. She’s turned her passion and research into a way to help others learn about the benefits of natural living. She chats about whole food, whole living, and whole faith at When she can, she likes to mix in homesteading, gardening, and healthy doses of coconut oil.

Tens of thousands of health-conscious women have learned from Katie's expertise to embrace the “Wellness Mama” lifestyle. She has helped clients lose weight, increase athletic performance, improve fertility, and more. She shares many of her valuable tips for using natural tools for healing in the book.

Rachel Parrish is a mother to 2 children and a wife to a wellness doctor. Her passions are faith, family and health. She supports her husband in helping to change the way people look at their health and uses her blog, as a tool to do that. In her chapter of the book you will be able to learn more about how to maximize your living.

Corinne is a successful, fashion designing mother and an inspiration to so many people who are fed up with traditional medicine. Having been excessively exposed to antibiotics throughout her childhood, her immune system suffered. But she empowered herself by seeking help and guidance from natural remedies experts, educating herself on various techniques and has been able to keep her family the healthiest they have ever been. From Corinne’s chapter she will tell you how she got back her immune system and shares her exclusive recipe for infection fighting. Her website is Persnickety Clothing.

Gina is a 39 year old stay-at-home Mum who has struggled with high blood pressure, being overweight and depression until she decided to make a complete change in her health after the birth of her 3 year old daughter in 2009. By accomplishing healthy changes in her diet, drinking water and running she was able to lose 76 pounds and has just recently completed her 2nd marathon in February 2013. Gina talks about how she lost the weight she gained over the years of having her children. The tips she discusses are very informative and very easy to implement. Her blog is called “Slow Is The New Fast.”

The book is already being sold on Amazon, just click on the picture at the very top of the post or on the one below to find it (

Stay tuned to my Facebook page for more updates as the release date of July 17th gets closer and also look for the free gifts that will be available when you order the book on July 17th - there are gifts being added daily! On launch day a special form will appear on which will allow you to enter your information and receipt number to access all the fantastic gifts. Please also leave us a 5* review on Amazon if you decide to buy the book, we would be so grateful and really appreciate it.

Lastly, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to Jenni Wilson for enabling me to tell the whole wide world that there is a chance to conquer Crohn's Disease and I truly hope that others may be able to benefit from not only my son's story but from all the other stories. Trust Your Intuition is such a tremendously inspirational book!