
Sunday 9 November 2014

A Few Things I Like - 2

I was supposed to be posting a recipe this weekend but the daylight ran out on me today and I couldn't take the photos so I thought I'd share with you a few more things I like as a follow up post to the one I shared in September. I'm going to experiment with taking photos at night so if anyone has any tips please share!

I have been buying Meridian nut butters for as long as I can remember, they also come in huge 1 kg tubs as well as the jars. Their smooth, scrumptious seed butters are also easy to get hold of. So, why do I like this brand? Well there are a few reasons :

  • There is no palm oil added to the nut butters. Meridian supports the Borneo Orangutan Survival (BOS) Foundation who provide welfare and rehabilitation for approximately 800 orphaned and displaced orangutans who have been displaced due to Palm Oil or other plantation establishment or the illegal pet trade.
  • In fact there is nothing added, the nut butters are 100 per cent nuts.
  • They are GMO free.
  • I don't have to order them on-line.
  • They taste delicious.

My favourite of all their range is the almond butter, it's out of this world!

I was recently diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency - eek!!! I now take Viridian liquid Vitamin D3 every day. I like this particular brand because of their ethics and the purity of their vitamins. 
"We guarantee non-GM, non-irradiated and 100% active ingredients with no nasty additives whatsoever. No added sugars, no colourings or artificial flavourings making our products as clean and pure as they can be. Be reassured that although we are absolutely against the use of animal testing and do not test any of products or ingredients on animals, the ingredients we choose all have a tradition of safe use in humans. So from the seed to the recycling bank, Viridian Nutrition maintains an ethical philosophy at every stage."
I also make sure I take Vitamin B12 most days due to my chosen diet so I take Biocare Vitamin B12 drops which contain only purified water, SCD legal preservatives (Citric Acid & Potassium Sorbate) and Vitamin B12 (as Hydroxycobalamine). If you're on the SCD and want to increase your Vitamin B12 levels, this is the ideal supplement.

Hotel Chocolat, IMO, is perhaps the nicest chocolate to be found on the planet. These dark drops are beyond heavenly. Unlike some other dark chocolate brands, Hotel Chocolat 70 per cent dark isn't bitter, it's actually just as it states on the packet, a full-on cocoa hit with good balance. It's melt in the mouth bliss! The only problem with that is you can actually eat much, much more of their dark chocolate than other makes. I buy their large packets of chocolate drops both for cooking with and for nibbling on, I just have to make sure I limit my nibbles - 400 g of chocolate drops sitting in the kitchen cupboard is a huge temptation.

I can't leave out my TVK boxes and the fact that this month I received 2 TVK boxes, my regular monthly box of goodies and a beauty box - which is being hidden away since it's a Christmas present. As some of you probably know, I review the monthly boxes here on the blog (check them out) and I'm never, ever disappointed with the contents. 

This is one of the items from this month's box. I'm hugely excited about this bar from The Primal Kitchen, I haven't eaten it yet but from all accounts, it's going to be a great treat. All the bars made by the company are gluten, grain, refined sugar, soya, dairy, GMO and vegetable oil free and three of the four bars are SCD legal. I can't wait to try it.

I don't have time to make fresh coffee at work so I take some instant with me and I believe that Percol produces by far the best instant decaffeinated coffee. This coffee is decaffeinated naturally - "water and ethyl acetate are circulated around the beans, gently extracting the caffeine without leaving any residue. ethyl acetate can be found in many natural products including fruits, vegetables, and regular coffee and is obtained from purely natural source: fermented sugar cane molasses." Therefore there's no nasty chemicals involved in the process. While some decaffeinated coffees I've tried taste truly yukky, this brand tastes rich, smooth and a even little chocolatey.