Thursday 28 January 2016

My Favourite Superfoods - Cauliflower


What makes the simple cauliflower a superfood? Do you even like it or are you getting a little tired of seeing it popping up everywhere? Lucky for me, I've always adored the taste and texture of cauliflower, it was even considered to be a treat. But when I was growing up it was only ever cooked in season and not every day of the year. These days, the reliable Autumn cauliflower seems to be taking on much more of a starring role in the kitchen from making minor appearances in breadsticks and cakes to completely pushing the mighty old spud off stage.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Happy New Year 2016

 View from Toronto Central Island and the CN Tower

Do you make New Year's resolutions? I don't see the point in them any more and why make resolutions to begin on the 1st of a new year. Why not today or tomorrow? In the past when I've made New Year's resolutions, I've never managed to stick to them for long and I've realised that, to some extent, they can actually cause some stress and anxiety and that's no way to start the New Year! However, I do try to set some goals but I don't set firm rules since I know they won't always work out.