I just thought I'd write a quick post about some of the things that have been making me happy lately and some of the things that have made me cross. I'm on the way to recovery now but I'm still on my crutches and it's been a very frustrating 6 months. I'd never have imagined that a simple task of bringing in some washing from the garden would result in several months of chaos. I'm so grateful for all the support from friends and family and I'm now exercising to make my leg strong so I can learn to walk (and cook) again. I'm even looking forward to doing the laundry, would you believe it! So here goes...
My Likes :
- Cabbage - I could eat it for every meal, even breakfast.
- Chocolate - I received so much for Christmas I've still got some left however, I've now given it up for Lent and put my chocolate box out of the way to avoid temptation.
- Competitions - I've been so very lucky to win some awesome prizes on FB, Twitter and blogs over the last 2 months, they've brightened up my days. I've put links to some of things I've won below.
- Blogger friends - there are so many wonderful bloggers who I have never met that have supporteded me through the last few months, you know who you are. I'm sending you a huge virtual hug.
- Recipe books - I've been reading quite a few recipe books recently. One of my favourite books is Peace and Parsnips: Vegan Cooking for Everyone
which I won after I'd submitted some recipes for a competition at The Beach House Kitchen.
My Dislikes :
- The act of following on Twitter and Instagram to get a follow back only to unfollow later.
- Comments and emails from people who have accidentally misread my recipes informing me that a SCD recipe isn't legal - guys I've had 10 years experience, I think I know the diet pretty well by now. Please read the recipe properly there will be an alternative ingredient mentioned.
- Comments that tell me that my gluten free recipes aren't SCD legal - I don't follow the SCD and not all my blog recipes are going to be suitable. I label those that are.
- TV programmes where the dietician is clearly misinformed - I'm not naming them.
- Maltodextrin - it finds its way into so many things.
What's made you happy or sad lately?